Friday, October 4, 2013



The super croc was a bone crushing croc. The croc was more then 40 feet long [as long as a bus]. It had razer sharp teeth more then 100 teeth. The super croc first stun's its prey and drowned's it in the river then when it's drowned the super croc swoop's down and takes a big bite out of it's prey.The super corc's jaw was 6 feet long way longer then a humans jaw.The supercroc is the worlds largest beast. Its razer sharp teeth and 40 feet body can crush anything its way.The supercroc has plates of heavy bones in its skin and has a spiked up back.

my opinion  

Supercroc lived more then 130 years ago. Its pray are Dinosours,Turtles,and Fish. the super croc's mouth is so big with one bite it's prey is finished. The supercroc is the most strongest animal in the world.The supercroc eats everything in its way.His 40 feet long body with razer sharp teeth and giant tail is the worlds longest and dangerist croc on the hole and tire world.The supercroc is more then twice as long as a normal croc. When the supercroc is born its as big as a normal croc.


1.the supercroc Weighs more then 8 ton's
2.the super croc Has more then a 100 teeth that are razer sharp
3.the supercroc Is 40 feet long [longer then a bus]
4.the man eating supercroc Lived 110 years ago
5.the supercroc Eats fish
6.the supercroc Eats dinosours
7.the supercroc Eats turtles
8.the supercrocs jaw is 5 feet long
9.the supercrocs skull is six feet long
10.the supercrocs skin is made of a ton of plates

were i got the supercroc facts


1 comment:

  1. I liked how you put the video and the facts. I just don't like how the pictures are small. But good article
